Import Permit Application User Guide V1

Import Permit Application User Guide V1

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Import Permit Application User Guide

Version 1.0



This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply for an Import Permit on the Import Permit Application Wizard Dashboard on the Imports Manager platform. An application for Import Permit will be completed by users wanting to import agricultural products.

The Import Permit Application Wizard can be accessed via the URL:

  1. Register as a user 

Note: If you have already registered on the following platforms then there is no need to register again:

  1. eCert
  2. PhytClean 
  1. Logging in

  1. Go to
  2. You will be directed to the Import Permit Login page

                                                            Figure 1 - Import Permit Login Page

  1. Enter your login credentials and click on the Log in tab.

                                                                   Figure 2 - Import Permit Log In

  1. Add New Permit as a General User

  1. When logged in, it will direct you to the below dashboard 

                                                                                        Figure 3 - Imports Dashboard


  1. To apply for an Import Permit, you will click on View Permits

You will then click on Add New Permit

                                                                                          Figure 4 - Add New Permit 



  1. You can also click on the Add New Permit Tab

                                                                                  Figure 5 - Add New Permit Tab

  1. You will then be directed to the Import Permit Application Wizard page

                                                                        Figure 6 - Import Permit Application Wizard Page

To proceed click on Add New Product

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                                                                                    Figure 7  New Products

  1. Once all the fields have been completed, you will then click on Add, to proceed to the next step.

  1. You will then be directed to the Permit information page where you will be able to see the product displayed and be able to add another product, by clicking on Add New Product
  2. You will then be required to enter the Exporter details.

Please Note: If you do not have the details on hand, you have the option to either save the application to continue later, or you can click on Next to come back to the application.

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                                                                                       Figure 8 - Add New Product

  1. Once you have entered the Export Details, you will then click on Save and then Next

Please Note: If you do not click on Save, the information will not be saved, and you will be required to re-enter it before being able to Submit the final application.

                                                                           Figure 9 - New Product Pop-Up

  1. You will then be redirected to step 2 which is Applicant Details, in which you will then be required to enter the Importer Details as well as Notification Contact Details.

Please Note: You will have the option to go back to the previous page, by clicking on Previous.

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                                                                                       Figure 10 - Importer details

  1. Once you have completed all the required fields, you will then click on Save and then Next

Please Note: If you do not click on Save, the information will not be saved, and you will be required to re-enter it before being able to Submit the final application.

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                                                                               Figure 11 - Notification Details

  1. Once you have clicked on Next, you will then be redirected to the last step which is the Documents and Declaration page

                                                                          Figure 12 - Documents and Declarations

  1. You will then be required to accept the declarations, before being able to save the application.
  2. Once you have saved the applications, you will be able to come back to add the Proof of Payments as well as supporting documents, should you not have them on hand.
  3. Once you have saved the application, you will be redirected to the Import Permit Dashboard.

                                                                                            Figure 13 - Import Permit Dashboard

  1. You will then be required to click on the View permit Icon ( 
  2. Once you have clicked on the view permit icon, you will be redirected to the Permit Preview App page, in which you will then be required to click on Edit.

                                                                            Figure 14 - Import Permit Application Wizard


  1. You will then be required to click on step 1, 2 and 3 to get to the last step of Submitting your Import Permit Application.
  2. Once you have reached Step 3Documents and Declaration, you can then click on Submit

Please Note: That should you require to edit any incorrect information, you will be able to do so in this step. 

                                                                 Figure 15 - Submit Import Permit Application

  1. Once you have submitted the application, the below success prompt will pop up in the top right-hand corner.

                                                                                         Figure 16 - Success Prompt

  1. You will then be redirected to the Import Permit Dashboard and your application will then show as Submitted under Process Status 

  1. Rejecting or Accepting an Import Permit as a Plant Health Permit Clerk

  1. Once you have logged in, you will then select Permits

                                                                              Figure 17 - Imports Management Home Page

  1. You will then be redirected to the Import Permit Dashboard.

                                                                                          Figure 18 - Import Permit Dashboard

  1. You can search by status, by clicking on Sort by Status

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                                                                                                      Figure 19 - Sorting by Status

  1. Once you have selected the status by which you would like to search by, only the selected status Import Permits will be visible on the Import Permit Dashboard.

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                                                                            Figure 20 - Import Permits selected on Status

  1. To search by Application Reference number, you will enter the Application Ref number in the Search bar and click on the search Icon ( 

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                                                                    Figure 21 - Search by application reference number

  1. To mark an Import Permit Application as Accepted, Incomplete or Rejected, you will click on the View Permit Icon () of the selected Import Permit Application
  2. You will then be redirected to the Import Permit Application Wizard Page 

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                                                                         Figure 22 - Import Permit Application Wizard Page

  1. At the bottom of the page, you will see the below options to either Accept, Reject, or mark an application as incomplete, depending on the completion of the application.

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                                                               Figure 23Incomplete, Reject or Accept Import Permit

  1. Once you have selected one of the 3 above options, the process status of the application will change according to what was selected.

  1. Creating, updating, activating, or expiring a Condition Requirement.

To create a new Condition Requirement, update an existing requirement, expire a requirement, or activate a requirement, you will click on the Conditions icon

                                                                                     Figure 24 - Select Import Permit Conditions

  1. You will then be redirected to the Import Condition Requirements dashboard

                                                                                 Figure 25 - Import Condition Requirements Dashboard

  1. To add a new requirement, you will click on the Add New icon

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                                                                                                   Figure 26 - Add New Icon

  1. You will then be redirected to a Condition Requirement pop-up.

                                                                                      Figure 27 - Condition Requirement Pop-Up

  1. Once you have completed all the fields, you will click on Add

                                                                                              Figure 28 - Add New Conditions

  1. Once you have added the requirement, the new requirement will be displayed on the Import Condition Requirements dashboard.

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                                                                        Figure 29 - Import Condition Requirements Dashboard

  1. To update an existing requirement, you will select the Import Condition, and then click on the Edit Row Icon (  )

  1. Which then you will be redirected to the Edit Condition Requirement pop-up

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                                                                                 Figure 30 - Edit Condition Requirement Pop-Up

  1. Once you have made the necessary changes, you will then click on the Save icon

                                                                              Figure 31 - Saving Updated Condition Requirement

  1. To remove a Condition requirement, you will select the condition you are wanting to remove, and click on the Remove row icon  )
  2. Once it has been removed successfully, you will receive a success prompt in green, in the top right-hand corner 

                                                           Figure 32 - Success Prompt when removing a condition requirement

  1. Issuing of Import Permit as a Chief Plant Health Officer

  1. Once the Plant Health Permit Clerk has approved the Import Clerk, a Chief Plant Health Officer would then need to Issue the Import Permit
  2. To do this, the Chief Plant Health Officer would log into Imports Management, once logged in, they would then select Permits

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                                                                                    Figure 33 - Import Management Home Page

  1. You will then be redirected to the Import Permit Dashboard.

                                                                                      Figure 34 - Import Permit Dashboard

  1. You will then select an Import Permit
  2. To select the import Permit to Issue, you will then click on the View Permit Icon (  ).

Please Note: Only approved Import Permits can be issued by a Chief Plant Health Officer.

  1. You will then be redirected to the Import Permit Application Wizard page 

                                                                                 Figure 35 - Import Permit Application Wizard

  1. To Issue the Import Permit, you will then click on the Issue Permit Icon 

                                                                                       Figure 36 - Issue Permit

  1. Once the Import Permit has been Issued successfully, you will receive a success prompt in the top right-hand corner of the page.


                                                                                        Figure 37 - Success Prompt

  1. The Import Permit Process Status will then change to Issued

                                                                                    Figure 38 - Import Permit Process Status